The free package consists of a brochure and 3 samples: Golden Harvest (this surprised me coz I never thought she'll be including a 3rd shade for us to test), Yukon Gold Rush (Medium Gold) and Gold Sunrise (Deep Gold).
Actually, I have already tried Pure Anda foundie before the package..I already used it 3 times..My first try is a disaster coz it turned dark and "dirty" looking at the end of the day, the 2nd try is a little successful but the 3rd try is the charm..I got the perfect technique in applying and the amount of product I should apply..I got 2 samples: Mountain Sunset and Flaxen Field..MS is dark on me while FF is wearable though it lacks some yellow...I have been using FF for 3 days already and so far, I have not experienced any itching and new bumps..Hopefully this could be included in my HG list :)
I've wanted to try myself, I just have to deposit the amount and I just don't have the chance to get to do that, I hope I can soon! I can't wait to hear your review on this!
its so funny, i ordered again samples from pure anada and they sent me the exact 3 shades u ordered..the thing is,its not what i ordered,lol. :)
hello gale... i didn't know my blog ka na pla... LOL well just passing by... hope you visit mine too...
Tagged u... La lang...
sis nikki - i'm still on the trial phase hehe but i got so confused on what shade i am since i can't figure out my exact match, i just mixed the 3 shades together :D
sis jamie - haha that's weird..why did they do that? maybe you should email them..i think they won't be your match because they are medium shades
jane - nice seeing you here! hehe i dropped by at your blog :)
hello sis! I'll be waiting for your review on this ha?? hehe
^ sure sis! i'll be posting the review soon..i'm still deciding pa kasi on what's my take on the products eh :)
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