Monday, August 24, 2009

Skin Care Diary Update + an Award

Hello everyone! I want to share with you all the result of my derma visit yesterday. I went to Dra. Manuel's clinic around 4pm with my aunt because she wants to have her cystic acnes to be checked so I joined her. Dra. Manuel did not do anything on my face because I just got a diamond peel and cleaning 2 weeks ago so she just checked my skin's condition and we did some medication review. I told her that I'm using The Face Shop Clean Face White foaming cleanser (at night only), acne lotion (2x a day), moisturizer (at night only), tretinoin (at night; every other night), and sunblock of spf 80 (in the morning). After reviewing, she added something on my skin regimen to help with my whiteheads. She explained to me that my skin is producing dead skin cells fast lately and that these dead skin cells can't go out and got stucked on my pores that's why i have so many bumps on my skin. She don't want to give me something harsh (because I have a history of using harsh chemicals (like clindamycin and erythromycin toners before from my previous dermatologists and they just aggravated my skin's condition) so instead of tweaking and increasing the concentration of my acne lotion, she opted to add a toner that has salicylic as the main ingredient. Here is my current regimen:

- wash face 
- tone with Acne Toner Plus
- treat with Acne Lotion
- moisturizer 

- sunblock spf80

- wash face with TFS foaming cleanser 

- tone face with Acne Toner Plus
- treat with Acne Lotion
- Moisturize
- Tretinoin 

Once a week/ 2x a month
- Exfoliate with my Ionax Scrub

I need to comeback to her after 2 weeks so that she can check my skin's condition after starting this new regimen..I'm really hoping that this could help me with the pimples, the pores and the dryness. And I also had a go signal to use makeup again! I'm so happy hehe ^_^

Oh before I forget, I asked my derma about Korean stuffs and she told me that I should just be careful in using them because there are some products that have pore clogging ingredients. So before I use it on my whole face, I need to test it first on my jaw area and at the back of my ears where my skin is the most sensitive. This should be done for 3 straight days and if there's no untoward reactions then I can apply it on my skin. This is actually good news for me because I bought a lot of Korean skin care and makeup lately and I plan on buying more Laneige stuff in the near future haha :)

Thank you for the advices ladies! And thank you for the prayers. They helped me alot that time that I was down because of my breakouts. Till my next post! Bye! ^_^


I was given this Kreativ Blogger award by Crystal .. Thank you for this award sis! ^_^

To accept this award do the following:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.

7 things about me that you might be interested in knowing ^_^

1. Apart from being a makeup and skincare junkie, I'm also a collector of many things..I love to collect books written by Julie Garwood (and some authors that I like), DVDs of asian dramas (I watch my fave dramas over and over again haha), and also doggy stuffs (figurines, stickers, pillows, long as it has a dog image, for sure I will buy it) 
2. I can't use any high heeled shoes that are not wedged because I can't walk with them (I wobble a lot haha) and I can only use them for a short time only because my feet will hurt very bad. I got so used wearing rubber shoes and flat doll shoes all through out my college days that I forgot how to wear high heels hehe 
3. I can only see clearly 1-2 feet away from me if I don't have my glasses on. And this has been the case for 8 years already. It sucks being "blind" :(
4. I'm a home budddy. I enjoy being alone in my room where I can do all the things I love. I don't need to go out to enjoy because the happiness I feel when I'm reading a good book is the same feeling I get when I go out with my friends so I just opt to choose the cheaper alternative soI can save money lol
5. I love to eat! You will really wonder where I put all the food I take in because I'm still 102lbs even if I eat like a guy haha 
6. I dream of having twins in the future. I really love kids and since I think having twins is fun and practical (for me anyways haha) I wanted to have one :)
7. I hate my teeth because I feel like they have a mind of their own. After I got my braces removed, my 2 front teeth (top and bottom) started to move out of the straight line I achieved with 6 years of having braces. I'ts so frustrating! My dentist is also having a hard time because she can't control them..I have used a lot of appliances already but they still move huhu :(
I'm passing this award to:
1. Jamie of Mizzmakeup
2. Nikki of Askmewhats
3. Nikkiz of Not just minerals
4. Julia of Misschievous
5. Emily of Pink Monkey
6. Ida of Naturals and Minerals
7. Fuz of Fuzkittie


AskMeWhats said...

aww thanks for the tag and for the award that is very very very sweet of you to think about me! :) You gave me a huge smile this morning!

You have a nice regimen, thanks for sharing!

A View from the Edge said...

Thank you for updating us about your skin care regimen and so happy to know that you can use make-up again. I definitely agree with #2 as I can't wear heels either, hehe =)

Emily said...

great stuff that your using

lucky to have a dermatologist

no wonder u seriously have great skin

aww...thanks for the award

u seriously deserve kreativ blog award, have a great week Gale

Crystal Gale said...

Nikki - aww thanks! have a nice day po! I can't wait to see your post :)

A View from the Edge - thank you! I'm really happy too hehe oh and yeah it is so hard to walk straight with heels that are as thin as a pentel pen! lol

Emily - thank you! I am lucky to find a great dermatologist who is very nice and doesn't charge high actually hehe I don't think I can regularly go to her if she charges high because I still don't have a stable income lol

Have a great day too! I can't wait to see your post :)