Hello everyone! I just read this email from PAWS (Philippine Animal Welfare Society) today and I would like to help them spread the word by posting their call for help.
PAWS are in need of dog foods, stainless steel bowls, plastic matting (to line bottom of cages), cleaning materials (deck brushes, walis tingting, detergent powder) and veterinary supplies (gloves, Zoletil, etc) for the newly rescued 73 emaciated Pit Bulls.from a dog fighting establishment in the South. 40 of these dogs are currently taken by PAWS and the remaining are distributed to other organizations who rescues dogs and cats because PAWS can't accomodate all 73 dogs due to lack of space and materials and even the lack of people to take care of them.
For those who wanted to help or even volunteer, you can drop off your donations at the PARC office Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm. PARC is located at Aurora Blvd, Katipunan Valley, Loyola Heights, QC.

Let us help PAWS in rehabilitating these dogs who are maltreated by people who condones dog fighting. I am really praying that events like these would stop completely. My heart goes out to these poor angels who are innocent but are suffering because of people who are so full of themselves and doesn't care one way or another on how these dogs feel when wounded.
PLEASE REPOST this call for help on your blogs and facebook accounts...let us help spread out the words to other pet lovers who would love to reach out and help. Thank you so so much!
Note: If you can't go to PARC personally, I am willing to meet up with anyone to get your donations and I will bring them at PARC in your behalf. I will ask my brother to drive me there with all our donations since I don't have a car. Or if you want me to buy the items for you, you can send me the money through GCASH and tell me what item I will buy...JUST EMAIL ME at galebart_15@yahoo.com with a subject "HELP FOR PAWS".
I hope everyone can donate...even a piece of walis tingting or dog bowl will be of great help..Even a 100 pesos combined together can buy a sack of dogfood for these dogs...
Thank you so much! And please repost! God bless!
Thanks for letting us know, Gale. My bf's a vet and I'm informing him bout this. Panigurado, magde-date kami sa PARC, hehe.
I will reblog, too! :)
Hi Arg! Cool! Thank you ^_^
By the way, your bf is a vet? I'm does he live in QC? hehe I'm looking for a new vet kasi because my vet doesn't do home service in QC anymore since he lives in Makati pa...
Thanks for this! Will share too and will do my best to do my part! :)
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