Friday, January 17, 2014

I'm back!

Hello everyone! I can't believe it's 2014 already. Time flies so fast!

Thank you so much for waiting and sticking with me. I am now well adjusted with my work and our schedule is not that hectic anymore with all the holidays already done. So I have decided to start getting back into posting more reviews for you all. :)

If you have been following me on Facebook or Twitter, you now know that I have another Skin Diary project. I have decided to undergo Vampire Stomp or more commonly known as derma stamping. Anyways, it's quite similar w/ derma roller in a sense that it uses needles to stimulate the skin to heal itself but it uses your own blood instead of an artificial serum. I am doing this for my acne scars and some breakouts that I had after trying new skin care & make-up stuffs. If you're interested to know more about my experiences with that procedure, I will be posting about it once a month after every session.

I am also gonna be back into watching TV dramas & reading books. I will try my best to finish a lot so I can put up more reviews for you guys. I have a lot of series that I want to read so that's something I look forwards to :)

I have also been trying a lot of products in the last couple of months so I'll start putting up reviews for those too.

That's it for my first post of the year. My next one will be my initial reaction for my 1st session of Derma stamping. Till next time!



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