How's everyone? We are currently celebrating a 4-day holiday right now here in the Philippines for Holy Week. It's really the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time w/my family & to be thankful for all the blessings we have received. I just hoped that I am not spending it sick like now.. the changing of weather brought me cough & colds. anyhow, I'm feeling better now so I can do my thing here & review this product.
I first encounter this product in one of Say's Youtube video wherein she road-tested this Carmen Claire Shine Patrol powder throughout the day. I got intrigued because it is a local brand & based on their website they use high quality ingredients from the US. So I did purchase myself in Medium Light.
*photo from
Mine is still in the old packaging which is in a black square case w/o the plastic shield for the sponge.Pardon the state of my compact, it's well loved so it got a little battered inside my kikay kit hehe.
Net Wt: 0.4 oz or 11.3g
4 Shades available
Price: Php 415.00
Made in USA
More info regarding the product in the website.
- It controls oil very well. I don't usually need to touch up throughout the day (maybe around 8hrs) if I applied this w/a sponge on top of my foundation. That is an important point, because when I applied it using a brush it didn't do well & I oiled up quite fast. I guess you need to pack in the product to do its job.
-It didn't made me itch even when I am perspiring. I have skin asthma & it's a good sign if I don't get irritated during hot weather.
- Cruelty free. It has a bunny logo in the label and it's really hard to find options for cruelty free brands here in the country so this is definitely a big plus.
- Talc & Paraben Free. For those sensitive skin ladies, this a good product to try.
- They add in 2 more shades now so they already have 4 shades available to choose from.
- Like I said, the oil control of this product is kind of a hit or miss every time I use it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's great on top of foundation but if I use it alone on bare skin I still oil up.
- Can give you a cakey matte look because you need to use the sponge for it to work well.
- Not sure if this is causing me comedones or not. I will try it again after my skin clear up to double check.
- I can't use the whole pan because after a couple of uses, a hard surface on the powder appear & it stays even if I try to scrape the top layer.
- Quite pricey for almost P500. It's almost the same price as Ben Nye banana powder & that contains more product & it's a famous brand.
It's a 4/5 if it works but a 2/5 on days it doesn't. So all in, I give this product a 3/5. There are better products out there for the price. I wouldn't repurchase this after I used it up because I love my products to be consistent in their performance.
What about you guys? Have you tried this or wanted to? Have you tried other Carmen Claire Cosmetics products? Do share them in the comments section below so I can check them out :)
Thanks for dropping by!

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